• Fridge Magets Materials: Pry-off bottle caps, photograph(s), glue, magnetic tape Place the cap upside down on a photograph and trace around the cap. Carefully cut out the photo. Place a daub of glue on the back of the photo and glue the photo inside the bottle cap. Put a small piece of self-adhesive magnetic tape on the back of the cap. • Glasses Case Materials: Old neckties, glue or needle and thread, velcro dots (self-adhesive) Cut a 9 inch piece from the wide end of an old necktie (Don't include the pointed portion in your 9" measurement) Remove any labels from the back of the tie. If the front of the tie is sewn to the back, carefully cut those threads. Fold the cut end of the tie into itself and glue or stitch closed. You can use clothespins or paper clips to hold the edges closed and allow the glue to dry. Stick a velcro dot on the inside point of the tie. Fold the pointed section over and position the other velcro dot so that the two dots will meet when the case is closed. From "Crafts for All Seasons" by Kathy Ross • Boot Planters and Vases Materials: Old rubber boots, pebbles, potting mix, craft paints, potting mixture Old boots make whimsical planters in the garden. Boots outgrown by small children make fun vases for cut florwers. - For outdoor planters, cut 2 or 3 small drainage holes in the sole. Place pepples inside the foot of the boot; then add potting mixture to fill to within several inches of the boot top. Add plants and a bit more soil around the roots. Trailing plants work well in these planters. - For vases, place boots on newspaper and dribble colourful paints down edges, across toes and so on. Let dry completely. If boots have any cracks/holes, do not place water directly into boot but use an empty, washed soup can, placed inside the boot to hold water. • Decorative Jars Materials: Clean jars, bits of paper, stickers, ribbons, decoupage medium, ribbons, old jewellery, etc Jars can be transformed into decorator and/or gift containers by painting or decoupaging the exterior, decorating with stickers or leftover bits of tissue papers. Add pretty ribbons around the rim and decorate with lid with embellishments - old jewellery works well. "Jazzy Jars" by Marie Browning offers lots of ideas and inspiration! The information presented here is intended for your reference and use. It does not in any way represent a complete or comprehensive environmental/ ecological/recycling guide. Your comments and contributions are welcome.
The information presented here is intended for your reference and use. It diees not in any way represent a complete or comprehensive environmental/ecological/recycling guide. You comments and contibutions are welcome. Bibliography : CTFO Teacher's Guide/Education Kit www.greenchallenge.com
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